Friday, May 29, 2009

LEAKED: Homeland Security Radio Network Info

The Turner Radio Network has obtained the complete radio
interoperability guide for the Department of Homeland Security,
issued by the DHS office of emergency communications.

The guide, issued just days ago, includes updates for the entire nation through
March 10, 2009.

This 76 page guide lists the radio frequencies, repeater input / output /
talk-around frequencies, trunked radio network details including CTCSS codes for "private line" carrier squelching, satellite communications codes, radio programming instructions and more!

In the event of a national emergency, - or the round-up of "dissident" citizens -- this is how the various agencies of the federal government will communicate with each other,
AND with various agencies of the state and local governments.

Thanks to this guide, we'll know what to tune-in, so as to monitor what they've
begun doing and, if need be, be able to plan in advance to jam those frequencies if the
government tries to attack the citizenry or round-up "dissidents."

More importantly, the average person can buy used radio gear on Ebay or
elsewhere and modify that gear to operate on these government frequencies.

You DO NOT need an FCC License to monitor these frequencies with such equipment
but TRANSMITTING on them would be a violation of FCC rules.

Nevertheless, if the government is coming to round up citizens,
then the law has already gone out the window, so being able to disrupt their communications will
be essential.

This booklet will make such self-defense, much easier.

Click Here to Download the 76 Page Bookle:

A Nationwide Membership Based Organization

Homeland Security is Nothing More than an Elaborate Hoax

The latest incident of a so-called "homegrown terrorism plot",
only proves that these so-called "homegrown terrorists" .
have the operational skills of a unit comprised of the "Three Stooges", "Laurel
& Hardy" and "Wile E. Coyote".

If this is the best the Islamic opposition can muster,
several of us can retire and open that distillery we've been discussing.
All four men were ex-convicts who envisioned themselves as holy warriors,
and concocted a plot to blow up synagogues and shoot down military planes.

The bombs they planted outside two synagogues were useless devices,
packed with inert explosives supplied by the FBI instead of the Pakistani
terrorist group they thought they were dealing with.
They were also given what they thought was a surface-to-air missile.

So-called "homegrown terrorists" that cannot identify working missile system and
explosives are not a feather in the cap of the FBI,
but should be considered an embarrassment.

If this is the best law enforcement can produce,

Homeland Security is nothing more than an elaborate hoax.

A Nationwide Membership Based Organization




Sources inside the Pentagon claim the Army has moved their alert level to PROTCON 2.
This was prompted by the recent developments in North Korea.
The Army roughly has over 35,000 troops stationed in South Korea,
well within reach of North Korean artillery and missiles.
North Korea has the largest artillery force =in the world.

We have seen some media outlets incorrectly reporting that they have moved to DEFCON 2,
this is not a global thermonuclear threat so DEFCON does not apply.
Not knowing the correct terminology has led some individuals to undue panic.

Events are being monitored via shortwave, military communications and foreign media.
With comments being made by Gen. George Casey, we expect things to go "hot" within 5 days.
We will post developments as they occur.

A Nationwide Membership Based Organization

Monday, May 18, 2009

OSI's Best Friend

Open Source Intelligence (OSI) fans are abuzz about the
latest gaffe by Vice President Joe Biden.

This time the gaffe master has confirmed the existence of a secret bunker under
the old U.S. Naval Observatory,
which is now the home of the Vice President.

Biden revealed the location while filling in for President Obama at the Gridiron
Club dinner.

According to Eleanor Clift on the Newsweek blog,
Biden "said a young naval officer giving him a tour of the residence showed him
the hideaway,

which is behind a massive steel door secured by an elaborate lock with a narrow
connecting hallway lined with shelves filled with communications equipment."

In December of 2002, neighbors of the Naval Observatory complained of loud
construction work being done at the Naval Observatory, which has been used as a
residence by vice presidents since 1974.

The upset neighbors were sent a letter by the observatory's superintendent,
calling the work "sensitive in nature" and "classified" and that it was urgent
it be completed "on a highly accelerated schedule."

A Nationwide Membership Based Organization

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Interesting Product

Interesting Product

A credit card survival tool that can start a fire, priceless in emergency situations.
If you're venturing into the wilderness or just your own backyard, it's nice to be well prepared.

This new Tool Logic Survival Card is packed with lifesaving features.
A fixed blade serrated knife of tough AUS 8A type stainless steel,
a magnesium alloy fire starter, a loud signal whistle, plus a brilliant red LED flashlight.
There’s also a tweezer and toothpick and a hole for lanyard attachment.
Credit card size and less than two ounces,
this essential tool kit deserves a place in your car,
backpack and even your home.

Keep the Survival Card with you and you’ll always be prepared for life’s unforeseen emergencies.


2" Serrated Blade
Magnesium Alloy Firestarter (replaceable)
Loud Signal Whistle
Tweezer and Toothpick
Red LED Flashlight
Weight: 1.9 oz (53gm)
Dimensions: About 1/8" (4mm) thick

A Nationwide Membership Based Organization

Reminder for Sunday

Just a friendly reminder to New York City area affiliates and interested parties, that a a two-hour drill simulating a bomb explosion in the PATH light rail system that
goes under the Hudson River between New York and New Jersey will be held Sunday morning.

More than 800 first responders are expected to participate,
this includes the New York City Police and Fire Departments as well as the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

The Port Authority says Vesey Street, on the north side of ground zero, will be
closed to all but emergency vehicles.
PATH rail service will be suspended from 6 a.m. to 11:30 a.m..

This drill will be used by the Connecticut Survivalist Alliance Signals
Intelligence Unit (CSASIU), as a training exercise .

A Nationwide Membership Based Organization

Thursday, May 14, 2009

CSA Situation Report

Dear Fellow Patriots, Militia Members and Survivalists:

With the rapidly developing situations around the former United States,
we have turned to our own interests and concerns
and have been concentrating on these matters.

We have received several inquiries asking if we had problems with the "powers that be".

We hope those of you that have had the foresight to prepare are well in the coming months.
We will still be publishing materials and posting items of interest,
but at a slower rate as we take care of our own interests and concerns.

All is as well as can be here at the main facility, we haven't been rounded up, "yet".

Thanks for the concern.



A Nationwide Membership Based Organization

Monday, May 11, 2009

CSASIU Volume II Released

The Connecticut Survivalist Alliance's Signals Intelligence Unit (CSASIU),
has been compiling a comprehensive list of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) frequencies for the Patriot (Sovereign-Citizen), Militia and Survivalist communities.

The second volume - "Secret Service" has been completed and posted on the CSA's main web site.

A Nationwide Membership Based Organization

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

CSASIU Volume I Released

The Connecticut Survivalist Alliance's Signals Intelligence
Unit (CSASIU),

has been compiling a comprehensive list of Federal Bureau of Investigation

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) frequencies for the Patriot
(Sovereign-Citizen), Militia and Survivalist communities.

The first volume - "FEMA" has been completed and posted on the CSA's main web

One of the CSASIU's members was hospitalized and this volume is dedicated to

A Nationwide Membership Based Organization

Monday, May 4, 2009

CSASIU Update #2

The first volume of the Connecticut Survivalist Alliance
Signals Intelligence Unit's (CSASIU),
Federal Frequency Guide has been delayed yet again.

One of the CSASIU's members was hospitalized and the Unit took
a break to visit him.

The unit is now finishing the first volume and should have it online shortly.

We will send out a posting as soon as it's online.

A Nationwide Membership Based Organization