Hello Friends.
The Connecticut Survivalist Alliance (CSA),
is pleased to announce that the CSA Radio Channel,
is semi-operational and being Beta tested on SHOUTcast.
The station will be up and down as all the bugs are worked out.
We will be doing our first live radio show after all of them are worked
out, and will be announcing the schedule this week.
Please join us if you can,
or download the shows as they are made available on the
CSA Homepage.
Access the BROADCAST on the SHOUTcast Radio Directory:
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
CSA Radio Channel is semi-operational!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
The Meccachurian's Apathy Due to 2012?
A blog reader sent us an e-mail noting that the Meccachurian's apathy over the state of the country.
may not just be due to his Muslim faith and black militant ideals.
The Meccachurian is uncaringly taking America to the brink because,
he may be privy to inside info on the Mayan Calendar and the predictions
for the 2012 Winter Solstice.
He points to our Tweet from August 16th as possible evidence.
The Connecticut Survivalist Alliance (CSA),
has never given much credence to the December 21st, 2012 doomsday
predictions, but presents one readers observations for your own judgment and interpretation.
Friday, August 27, 2010
A Special Message to Those Misguided Individuals!
A message to the misguided followers of the "entertainer" Glenn Beck,
particularly those who are planning on attending his phony 'Restoring Honor'
Sunday, August 22, 2010
IMINT - Anti-terrorism Exercise in South Korea
Anti-terrorism Exercise in
South Korea
The exercise dubbed "Ulchi Freedom Guardian (UFG),"
was conducted by some 220 South Korean civilian, government and military
personnel, including police SWAT team and military special forces, who staged pre-choreographed drills aimed at thwarting terrorist attacks.
The exercise was held in the Korea International Exhibition Center in Gyeonggi
Province, north of Seoul,it included saving hostages held by terrorists, disposing of bombs and
removing toxic gases.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Meccachurian Catering to His Masters!
The Muslim Meccachurian has forcefully endorsed building a
mosque near ground zero, saying the country’s founding principles demanded no less.
This is not a case of religious freedom,there are over 100 mosques in New York City.
This is a case of the Meccachurian catering to his masters.
Monday, August 9, 2010
CSA IMINT - Acrid Death Comes to Moscow
CSA IMINT - Acrid Death Comes to Moscow
Deaths in Moscow have doubled to an average of 700 people a
day, as the Russian capital is engulfed by poisonous smog from wildfires and a
sweltering heat wave.
City morgues are nearly overflowing, filled with 1,300 bodies, close to their
Friday, August 6, 2010
The Grand-High Sheikh is Playing "Selective Memory"!
Once again the Grand-High Sheikh is playing "selective" memory.
His faithful minions are claiming that, "Obama never said his Father served
During WWII. Any person with a 70 IQ can figure out his dad didn't serve in WWII and he would
NEVER claim he did."
Well we would ask his faithful minions to explain this:
Monday, August 2, 2010
The Reality of "First Responders"
We have heard all of the major arguments on Law Enforcement members,
and National Guard (NG) members should a nationwide situation occur.
Except for the truly brainwashed members of specialized elite units such as
Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT), and very few NG units with Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear or high-yield Explosive (CBRNE), most police are obese, out of shape slobs.
Standard NG members are more concerned what can be stolen for their own personal
use should a scenario present itself.
We truly feel sorry for anyone that thinks the NG or local police is coming to
their rescue in a nationwide scenario.
Need some convincing?
Lets look at a sampling of these "first responders:
You think this individual would get off his
fat ass to protect you?
You really think she would allow the MRE's
to reach you?
Unless you want him to call someone else,
forget about it!
"Calling All Units, We need to Defend
Dunkin Donuts!"
You really think he could chase a looter?
A Nationwide Membership Based Organization