Monday, March 21, 2011

Microchip Implants Allow Terrorists to Converse With Allah!



Microchip Implants Allow
Terrorists to Converse With Allah!

The implants are specifically designed to be injected in the forehead.
When properly installed, it will allow the terrorist to converse With Allah!
The implants come in a variety of sizes as shown here.

The exact size of the implant will be selected by a
well-trained and highly skilled technician,
who will also make the injection.
No anesthesia is required.

The implant may or may not be painless.
Common side effects, like headaches, nausea and cranial seepage have been
reported,but are extremely temporary.

Some bleeding or swelling may occur at the injection site.
In most cases, the terrorist won't even notice.

These devices are being considered for use along the southwest border.
Some fine tuning may be required to allow illegal immigrants to converse with
their ancestral spirits or Tezcatlipoca.

The CSA is a leading distributor of these implants,
and hopes to prove that this low cost program will have the desired effect of
keeping citizens safe and secure!

Connecticut Survivalist Alliance

A Nationwide Membership Based Organization

Saturday, March 12, 2011

IMINT - Earthquake in Japan


Earthquake in Japan

The earthquake in Japan was the strongest in the history of the country,
According to the USGS, the earthquake magnitude was 8, 9. Its epicenter was
373 kilometers northeast of Tokyo, the focus at the depth of 24 kilometers.
The number of victims of the earthquake continues to grow,
the exact number of wounded and victims is not yet known.

A series of strong tremors in the north-east of Japan and the subsequent tsunami
caused damage to Pacific coast of the country.

Connecticut Survivalist Alliance

A Nationwide Membership Based Organization

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Libyan Uprising


The uprising in Libya is being fueled by Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) operatives supplying weapons the rebels.
We had our doubts until we were supplied with supporting IMINT evidence.
The sheer quantity and quality of the weapons being used by the rebels,
doesn't fit the profile of a popular uprising.

Connecticut Survivalist Alliance

A Nationwide Membership Based Organization