Monday, June 14, 2010

Complete and Utter BS!


What you are being told by the Meccachurian
and his minions is complete and utter BS!

As can be witnessed by freelance photos from non-mainstream media outlets,
this disaster continues to expand at an exponential rate.

If you have the means, evacuate the gulf coast.
As we have reported,
exposure to the toxic soup of the spill and the dispersant is causing

severe headaches, dizziness, nausea and respiratory problems.

Mississippi River water (left) meets sea
water and an oil slick that has passed inside of the protective barrier
formed by the Chandeleur Islands, off the coast of Louisiana

Breton and Chandeleur sounds off the coast of Louisiana


Gulf Shores, Alabama

Orange Beach, Alabama

Connecticut Survivalist Alliance

A Nationwide Membership Based Organization

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