Thursday, June 17, 2010

The News Isn't All Bad!


The Connecticut Survivalist Alliance (CSA),
is a user-driven group of like-minded groups and individuals who are
dedicated to restoring the Constitutional Republic,
restoring the rights declared by our founding fathers, granted to us by
God above, and penned in the Bill of Rights,
the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the former United
States of America.
We believe in Limited Government, Free Speech, the Second Amendment, a Strong
Military, and Secure Borders.

The forces that oppose us may seem overwhelming at times,
but every now and then some scrap of information may cross our desks that show
us it's not all in vain.

For the "doubting Thomases", we give you:

Forty-six percent (46%) Strongly Disapprove,
giving the Meccachurian an Approval Index rating of -20

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Connecticut Survivalist Alliance

A Nationwide Membership Based Organization

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