Tuesday, September 1, 2009

RUMOR - Real Purpose of Sep. 25th


Muslims to Turn Capital Hill in Giant Outdoor Mosque!,
or at least this is the story being presented to the media.

Inspired by the usurper's pro-Islamic speech in Cairo, a mosque in Elizabeth,
New Jersey - Dar-ul-Islam, is spearheading a supposed national prayer gathering next month in Washington, D.C., they claim that approximately 50,000 Muslims are expected to attend a prayer service outside Capital Hill.

They are trying to guarantee this by already having 500 buses reserved.

They claim that this is all about them loving America.
But is all about them pushing Islam on America and illustrating "infidels" in a
bad light to the Muslim world.
Dar ul-Islam is soliciting sponsorship packages which suggests this may be a
live, televised event.

They proudly proclaim that the Athan (Islamic call to prayer) will be chanted on
Capitol Hill, echoing off of the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument and other great
edifices that surround Capitol Hill.

The event will not include political speeches or placards, just prayer, claims
Hassen Abdellah, president of Dar-ul-Islam and a main organizer of the event.

A permit from the Capitol Hill police, granted July 28, allows access to the
area by the West Front of the Capitol building from 4 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Sept. 25,
but the main gathering will occur at 1 p.m., for the Friday prayer service.

Trouble in one form or another is sure to happen.
The Islamics are counting on it.
Being as inflammatory and controversial in their statements as they can.

The current prevalent rumored scenario circulating is that the Capital Hill police will be goaded
into a riot type situation, so that images of them beating and unleashing tear gas on Muslims can be broadcast to the Muslim world on television and posted on YouTube.
This also seems to be the main motivation behind Dar ul-Islam suggesting this
may be a live, televised event.

Not that the government would ever take common sense advice,
but the Connecticut Survivalist Alliance (CSA) would
urge the Capitol Hill police to revoke the issued permit.

One of the events sponsors is an unindicted co-conspirator to the 1993 World
Trade Center bombings and pro-jihad speaker Siraj Wahhaj.

By no means are we the worlds greatest investigators,
but a quick check of Dar ul-Islam’s website shows that there last guest speaker
was none other than Muhammad Al-Qatanani,
the imam who lied on his immigration papers about being in an Israeli jail
for being part of the terrorist group Hamas.

Like, Wahhaj, he too has made inflammatory remarks on audio, including calling
followers of Jesus hypocrites condemned to hellfire.
Yet we are too believe that Dar ul-Islam’s “Our time has come” Islamic prayers
and dawah on Capitol Hill is an inter-faith affair?

Judging by the messages we've seen on Islamic forums,
not all Muslims attending the event have been made aware of the planned
As one poster who did know put it "this will provide realism!"
These postings are often juvenile Muslims beating their chests in imagined

But, are the Capitol Hill police willing to take the risk of the infiltration of
Muslim radical extremists into the event with a planned agenda?
With sponsors like this,
circumstantial evidence points to more than wanna-be juvenile jihadists.
If trouble does start, they can expect even the moderate Muslim participants to
join in the melee as it will be viewed as Muslim oppression.

The Capitol Hill police are being presented with a no win scenario.
Take the peaceful solution and lesser of evils,
and cancel the event.

The CSA will have to issue a travel advisory for Washington, D.C. for September
23rd-28th, 2009.
Non-Muslim citizens may be subject to harassment or injury while travelling in
Washington, D.C. during these dates if the event is not cancelled.

A Nationwide Membership Based Organization

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