Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Do You Have the Will to Win Back Your Country?

Recently, we've seen a fatalistic attitude when responding to individuals in e-mail.
While communicating with individuals, the conversations have taken a dark and macabre tone.
We get comments like, "I have accepted the fact that I will die fighting for my freedom",
and "They may kill me, but I'll give them a good fight".

If you go into a battle expecting to be defeated, you will be defeated.
Being reallists, we know the odds are not stacked in our favor.
In fact, as we've said before, no sane gambler would touch that bet.

As George S. Patton so eloquently put it,
"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

Martyrdom is for the mentally deficient intolerant Islamic zealots. It has no place in the Survivalist, Patriot and Militia communities. How many outnumbered groups in history have overcome because they truly believe that's how it's meant to be.

A groups will to win is that small edge that helps them rise to the occasion and achieve victory despite their deficiencies.
Complacency kills should be a commonly used phrase in units.
It should be uttered as a reminder that individuals should not be overconfident in their own abilities,
nor should their defeat be taken as a given.

NEVER have a defeatist attitude and never give up!

"It's not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes the difference."
- Bear Bryant -

A Nationwide Membership Based Organization

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