Thursday, March 19, 2009

Army Builds Electronic Warfare Teams

We have tried to instill in individuals the importance of implementing OPerational SECurity(OPSEC), by having them analyze the threats to their specific Units and Groups

Securing your communications by utilizing COMmunications SECurity (COMSEC),
should already be implemented in your Unit or Group.
If it's not, your time is just about up to do so.

The Army has announced that it is developing its own Electronic Warfare (EW) teams,
to move away from relying on the expertise of the Air Force and the Navy.

Very few have considered the effects that the EW subdivision of Electronic
Attack (EA), would have on their Unit or Groups operational capabilities.

Can your Unit or Group function with the loss of landline and/or cellular
telephone service?
Can your Unit or Group function without Internet and cable service?
Can your Unit or Group function if its radio communications are jammed?

These are just a few questions to ask yourself and your Communications Officer.

A Nationwide Membership Based Organization

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