Thursday, March 12, 2009

Defend the Border!

There are new stories out today that the Meccachurian is
considering moving troops to the border with Mexico,
because of the increasing level of violence and the huge amount of illegal drugs entering the country.

Our Intelligence and contacts tell us,
he was considering deploying 1,000 National Guard soldiers as requested by Texas Gov. Rick Perry,who made an urgent call for 1,000 more "boots on the ground" to deal with
the growing violence.

The Meccachurian said Wednesday that so far he hasn't seen the violence spill
into this country enough to justify sending troops to the border.

Texas State officials have been worried about safety along the border for a long time,
and thanks to the coziness of labor intensive industries with the government who
have benefited from cheap Mexican labor (like the housing industry, just for instance),

the border fence which was supposed to solve some of the problem hasn't been aggressively constructed.

Perhaps when dead bodies are seen lying in every border towns streets, the Meccachurian will have seen enough violence spill into this country.

The National Guard is under the states control, we urge Texas Gov. Rick Perry to show some backbone.
If he doesn't have the backbone to use the National Guard, we would suggest
calling on the Texas State Guard (TXSG)
(an officially sanctioned state militia organization).

A Nationwide Membership Based Organization

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